ID: | KCI0279 | ||||
Neang Ken
នាង គេន
Other Name
Source Interview
KCI0279 20030610, Chroy Krabao 2 village, Rorka-a sub-district, Kang Meas district, Kampong Cham province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with Neang Ken, biography owner.
ខេស៊ីអាយ០២៧៩ ២០០៣០៦១០, ភូមិជ្រោយក្របៅទី២ ឃុំរកាអារ ស្រុកកងមាស ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម។ សម្ភាសដោយ ឡុង ដានី។ កំណត់សំគាល់ៈ ជួបសម្ភាសជាមួយ នាង គេន ជាម្ចាស់ ប្រវត្តិរូបផ្ទាល់។
Date of Birth
Present age:47 years old
ថ្ងៃ-ខែ-ឆ្នាំ កំណើត
Home Village
03070308 Kampong Cham, Kang Meas,
០៣០៧០៣០៨ ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម ស្រុកកងមាស ឃុំខេ្ចៅ ភូមិវ៉ា
Join KR
Reason to Join KR
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Military Unit as a worker in the Airport in Kampong Chhnang province
អង្គភាពយោធា ធ្វើព្រលានយន្ដហោះខេត្ដកំពង់ឆ្នាំង។
KR Rank(1975-79)
DK Zone 75-79
Zone: Western, Zone No. 401, Kampong Chhnang province
ភូមិភាគបស្ចឹម«៤០១» ខេត្ដកំពង់ឆ្នាំង។
Ta Vai ["Ta" means "Grandfather"]
Neang Ken, alias Pheap, is 47 years old, and nowadays lives with his wife and children in Krabao 2 village, Rorka-A sub-district, Kang Meas district, Kampong Cham province. Ken៌s father was Neang Nim and his mother was Ao. Ken has 8 siblings [4 boys + 4 girls], and he was born in Varin village, Khchao sub-district, Kang Meas district, Kampongt Cham province. When he was a child, Ken studied until grade 9 [in the old system] in Wat Khchao primary school. Ken dropped out of school after there was a coup to depose Samdach Sihanouk in 1970. After leaving school, Ken helped his parents in rice field. It was in 1973 that Ken volunteered to join the revolution through Samdach Sihanouk៌s announcement from Beijing in China that all children and grandchildren ran into the Mar Ky forest in order to liberate the country from Lon Nol regime and America. When he first joined the revolution, Ken was in Khchao sub-district. He was then promoted to be a regional soldier, and he also studied about military strategies and tactics along with 500 KR soldiers. After finishing the training course, Ken together with other KR soldiers was sent to shoot Lon Nol៌s marine along the riverside in Peam Chy Kang district. It was in 1974 that Ken was sent to Prek Kdam battlefield. At that time, he was in the first unit, and a chief of the unit was Oeun; in addition, the chief of the division was Som. It was at that time that KR soldiers were getting stronger and stronger while Lon Nol soldiers were getting weaker and weaker; however, many of both KR soldiers and Lon Nol soldiers died in the battle when KR soldiers kept fighting forward to the city. It was at 9:00 am in the morning on April 17, 1975 that KR soldiers took control in the city. At that time, people in Phnom Penh left their homes, so there were crowds of people walking along National Road Number 4 and 5. Some people were happy to go, but some were unhappy because they were forced to leave. Ken stayed in Phnom Penh for only 15 days, and he was then sent to the Ministry of Commerce in Kampong Som province as a worker for carrying imported materials or goods: rice, hoes, shovels etc. from China while KR exported to China like rubbers and pepper and so on. In 1976, Angkar assigned Ken to farm paddy in Boeng Som Yab. It was in 1977 that Ken was designated to work in the Airport in Kampong Chhnang province. When first arriving in Kampong Chhang Airport, Ken was designated to dig the tree trunks and palm trees out, and he was then assigned to the constructions. At that time, Chinese engineers assigned him to make brick and to build a concrete house. There were hundreds of Chinese at that time because KR needed to build a big airport because they would use this airport for airplanes to make a war. In the same year of 1977, the chief of the division, Ta Vai [grandfather], played a recording tape to workers who were former soldiers. It was until listening to the tape that everyone knew who traitors were. The chiefs of the regiment and battalion were arrested and sent to reeducate. In 1979, Ken ran to O Ral Mountain. After staying in O Ral Mountain for three months, Ken returning to his home village. Nowadays, Ken is a farmer.
នាង គេន ហៅ ភាព ភេទប្រុស អាយុ៤៧ឆ្នាំ សព្វថៃ្ងមាន ប្រពន្ធមានកូនរស់នៅភូមិជ្រោយក្របៅ ទី២ ឃុំរកាអារ ស្រុកកងមាស ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម។ គេន មានឪពុកឈ្មោះ នាង នឹម ម្ដាយឈ្មោះ អោ មានបងប្អូន៨នាក់ ប្រុស៤ស្រី៤ មានស្រុក កំណើតនៅភូមិវ៉ារិន្ទ ឃុំខេ្ចៅ ស្រុកកងមាស ខេត្ដ កំពង់ចាម។ គេន កាលពីតូចរៀននៅសាលាបឋមសិក្សាវត្ដខេ្ចៅត្រឹមថ្នាក់ទី៩ឪចាស់ឱ ឈប់រៀននៅ ពេលកើតមានរដ្ឋប្រហារទម្លាក់សមេ្ដច សីហនុនៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧០។ ពេលឈប់រៀនមកជួយធ្វើស្រែ ចម្ការ ឪពុម្ដាយ។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៣ បានស្ម័គ្រចិត្ដចូល បដិវត្ដតាមការ ប្រកាសរបស់សមេ្ដចសីហនុ ប្រកាសពី ប៉េកាំង ប្រទេសចិន ថាឱ្យកូនចៅចូលពៃ្រម៉ាគី ដើម្បីរំដោះជាតិ វាយដណ្ដើមពីរបប លន់ នល់ និង អាមេរិចកាំងមកវិញ។ គេន ចូលដំបូងធ្វើជាកងឈ្លប នៅត្រឹមឃុំខេ្ចៅ ក្រោយមកទៀត
បានឡើងធ្វើជា យោធាតំបន់ ហើយបានហាត់រៀនក្បួនយោធា
បានរយៈពេលបីខែ នៅស្រុក ពៃ្រឈរ កាលនោះគ្រូ បង្រៀនជា ជនជាតិវៀតណាមខាងជើង ឈ្មោះ មុឺន កាលនោះហាត់មាន យោធាខែ្មរក្រហមប្រហែលជា ៥០០នាក់។ ពេលរៀនចប់មក ត្រៀមចាំបាញ់កប៉ាល់ទាហាន លន់ នល់ នៅតាមមាត់ទនេ្លខាង ស្រុក ពាមជីកង។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៤ ឡើងមកដល់សមរភូមិព្រែក ក្ដាម កាលនោះនៅកងពលទី១ ប្រធានកង ពលឈ្មោះ អឿន ប្រធានកងធំឈ្មោះ ស៊ុម កាលនោះយោធាខែ្មរក្រហមមានបេ្រÃៈប ខ្លាំងជាង ទាហានលន់ នល់ កាន់តែចុះខ្សោយទៅៗ តែយោធា ខែ្មរក្រហមនិងទាហាន លន់ នល់ ស្លាប់ច្រើនដូច គ្នា នៅពេលវាយ សម្រុកចូលទីក្រុងកាន់តែខ្លាំង។ នៅម៉ោង៩ព្រឹក ថៃ្ងទី១៧មេសា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ កម្លាំងខែ្មរក្រហមបានចូលកាន់កាប់ទីក្រុងតែម្ដង។ ពេលនោះឃើញប្រជា ជននាំគ្នាចាកចេញពីលំនៅដ្ឋាន យ៉ាងច្រើនកុះករផ្លូវជាតិលេខ៤ ផ្លូវជាតិលេ៥មនុស្សដើរ ពេញផ្លូវទាំងអស់ ខ្លះសប្បាយខ្លះកើតទុក្ខ ខ្លះ មិនព្រមចេញទាល់តែ បង្ខំ។ គេន នៅស្នាក់នៅភ្នំពេញបានតែ ១៥ថៃ្ង អង្គការបញ្ជូនឱ្យនៅក្រុងកំពង់ សោម នៅក្រសួងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម ជាកម្មករលីសែង សំភារៈមកពីប្រទេសចិន មាន អង្ការ មានចប មានប៉ែល ចំណែកខែ្មរយើងឱ្យត្រឡប់ទៅប្រទេសចិនវិញ មានកៅស៊ូ មានមេ្រច ជាដើម។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៦ អង្គការហៅមក ភ្នំពេញវិញ ធ្វើស្រែនៅបឹងសំយ៉ាប។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៧ អង្គការចាត់តាំងឱ្យទៅធ្វើ ព្រលានយន្ដហោះខេត្ដកំពង់ឆ្នាំង។ ពេលទៅដល់ដំបូង អង្គការឱ្យគាស់គល់ឈើ គាស់ដើមត្នោត បន្ទាប់ មកទៀតឱ្យនៅខាងសំណង់ គេន ត្រូវបានវិស្វករចិនប្រើឱ្យរៀនឥដ្ឋ ធ្វើផ្ទះថ្ម ជនជាតិចិនកាលនោះមាន គ្នារាប់រយនាក់ ព្រោះព្រលាន យន្ដហោះធ្វើធំ តាមមើលធ្វើព្រលានយន្ដហោះដើម្បីទុក សម្រាប់ធ្វើ សង្គ្រាម។ នៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៧ដដែល ប្រធានកងពល ឈ្មោះ តារវៃ បានចាក់សមេ្លងខ្សែអាត់ឱ្យ កម្មករអតីតជា យោធាស្ដាប់ ទើបដឹងថា ប្រធានកងពលបានក្បត់អង្គការ ក្រោយពីស្ដាប់ហើយប្រធាន វរសេនាធំប្រធានវរសេនាតូច
ត្រូវបានអង្គការហៅទៅរៀនសូត្របាត់តែម្ដង។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩ គេន បានរត់ឡើងភ្នំឧិរ៉ាល់អស់រយៈពេលបីខែបានត្រឡប់មក ស្រុកកំណើតវិញ សព្វថៃ្ងប្រកបរបរធ្វើស្រែ ចម្ការ។
Activity Witness
Ken has learned that there were some people disappeared
ធ្លាប់ដឹងថា មានមនុស្សបាត់ខ្លួន។
© មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា
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Concept by Ean Panharith and Youk Chhang
© 2023 Documentation Center of Cambodia
The Prevention and Punishment of the Crimes of Genocide
By Youk Chhang
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide stands alongside the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as one of the key pillars of international human rights law, and for this Human Rights Day in 2022, I want to highlight the critical importance of the responsibility to prevent atrocity crimes, which includes genocide. When atrocity crimes occur, there is an immediate need to stop these atrocious acts, followed by the equally urgent tasks of documenting, investigating, and ultimately prosecuting the perpetrators. However, from 1948 to today, we have not given enough attention to true prevention.
Atrocity crimes do not occur in a vacuum. There is a long chain of events and conditions that precede atrocity crimes. Isolation, segregation, and discrimination frequently, if not always, precede the rationalization of atrocity crimes against a group of people. And before people are discriminated against, they must be dehumanized. The process of dehumanization depends upon rationalizing hatred and distrust, and these processes are precipitated by misinformation, fueled by uninformed biases, stereotypes, and exploitative actors. They are also frequently dependent upon the disintegration, corruption, or lack of development of critical institutions, in particular institutions dedicated to dialogue and education. It is here that we must dedicate our greatest attention.
Since 1948, we have made great strides toward taking actions that interrupt, mitigate, and to a very limited extent, punish the chief perpetrators of atrocity crimes; however, these actions are not preventative but reactive in nature. No atrocities crime trial has ever prevented the next genocide, and no sanctions or punishment can bring back the dead or undo the trauma that extends across multiple generations. Indeed, the trauma of atrocity crimes in the distant past are often the forgotten seeds for the next wave of violence and inhumanity of the future.
If we are to truly adopt strategies that are effective, far reaching, and decisive in preventing atrocity crimes, then our priorities must be re-oriented to the opposite end of the spectrum, where the seeds of the next genocide are cultivated. Our responsibility in complying with foundational human rights documents should be measured not solely by our success at responding, investigating, and prosecuting atrocity crimes, but by our efforts in supporting institutions, initiatives, and actions that have a positive influence in preventing all forms of inhumanity. The most effective strategy at preventing the next genocide is centered on actions and policies that interrupt and reduce the risk of escalation at the earliest stages of inhumanity.
Cambodia recently removed human rights days from public calendars. I think we should reconsider this collective decision. Cambodia has achieved extraordinary success in its genocide education programme, which is the essence of atrocity crimes prevention. And so, to capitalize on this success and Cambodia’s regional and even global leadership in this area, we should hold an annual dialogue on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. As the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) closes its doors, there is no better time than now to preserve Cambodia’s leadership and momentum in realizing the core objectives of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) is proud of the support it has given to the ECCC’s work, which was fundamental to giving victims an opportunity to participate in the justice process and realize some sense of closure from the Khmer Rouge genocide. DC-Cam is also eager to support an annual conference on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. As we commemorate this Human Rights Day, we would be mindful to recognize our fundamental human rights documents are not only universal commitments, but also standards for evaluating the kind of world we are leaving for the next generation.
Youk Chhang is Executive Director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia. The Center dedicating to Justice, Memory, and Healing for survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide.
Photo above: Children at Angkor Wat, 1979. After the collapse of the Khmer Rouge regime on 7 January 1979, hundreds of thousands of children were left orphaned. From 1975 to 1979, the Khmer Rouge led Cambodia into tragedy causing the deaths of over 2 million people. Although two millions were killed, five millions more survived to tell their story. The perpetrators of these crimes also survived. Photo: Documentation Center of Cambodia Archives.
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