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Ros Sampeou, Director
t: +855 (0)12 882 505
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0001
Source of Interview: BBI0001 20060719, Lar Eth village, Prek Preah Sdach sub-district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with a villager named So Pheng Kun, 62. Pheng Kun said that after Bunthik finised high school, he went to learn in Phnom Penh. Later he/she never heard from Bunthik.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0002
Source of Interview: BBI0002 20050714, Kanteu 1 village, Kanteu sub-district, Banan district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with mother of the biography owner named Dul Noeum, 73. Noeum told that after Puch quitted school, he did farming. During Lon Nol’s coup, he escaped to forest. He returned to his house for one week since he left home. Chhoeut told her that he was transferred to work in Phnom Penh. since then, Chhoeut disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0003
Source of Interview: BBI0003 20060712, Kor village, Prey Svay sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with a villager named Hin Phann, 76. Phann said that Soh’s siblings died during the Khmer Rouge. When Soh was young, he ordained for one year in a pagoda with him. After Soh disrobed, he got married to her wife. Since then, he never met Soh. His wife died and four children did not live any where.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0004
Source of Interview: BBI0004 20060717, Kandal Tbaung village, Kok Khmum sub-district, Thma Kol district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Yin Chhay. Notes: Interviewed with wife of the biography owner named Suon Rot, 57. Rot said that after Pa join the army, he eacaped to forest. Since he visited home in 1975, he disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0005
Source of Interview: BBI0005 20060708, Rumchek, Ratanak sub-district, Battambang district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Sao Kimkhorn. Khorn said that Ngoy went to learn in France. Then she heard that Ngoy had a wife and one son in China. His friend named Vandeth told her that Ngoy served the Khmer Rouge army. He never sent a letter to his family. In 1976, he heard that Ngoy worked at Prek Anhchanh. Since then, Sengly disappeared.
Record No. D01874
The Daily Report On Yim Oeun’s Confession
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01874 KH, MOI, TSL; Box
Date of Document: October 1, 1976
Record No. L01908
Traiturous Activities Backgraound of Tong Nhong
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01908
Date of Document: November 12, 1977
Record No. L01910
Interrogation Report of Liv Yeng, Prisoner of War
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01910
Date of Document: March 7, 1975
Record No. L01919
Ieng Saroeun’s Interrogation Report
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01919
Date of Document: April 08, 1972
Record No. L01949
Memorandum Slip on Chea Choeun
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01949
Date of Document: February 18, 1975
Victim of Torture
Record No. SHH00001
Date of Document: 30/10/2021
Victim of Torture
Record No. SHH00002
Date of Document: 26/10/2021
Victim of Torture
Record No. SHH00003
Date of Document: 20/8/2021
Victim of Torture
Record No. SHH00004
Date of Document: 04/11/2021
Victim of Torture
Record No. SHH00005
Date of Document: 04/11/2021