Personal Info
ID: KCI0273
Hou Nim
ហ៊ូ នឹម
Source Interview
KCI0273 20020227, Mien village, Mien sub-district, Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province. Interviewed by Ysa Osman. Notes: Hou Nim disappeared. Interviewed with aunty Ly Chheang.
ខេស៊ីអាយ០២៧៣ ២០០២០២២៧, ភូមិមៀន ឃុំមៀន ស្រុកពៃ្រឈរ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម។ សម្ភាសដោយ អ៊ីសា ឧស្មាន។ កំណត់សំគាល់ៈ ហ៊ូ នឹម បាត់ខ្លួន។ ជួបសម្ភាសជាមួយអ្នកមីង លី ឈាង។
Date of Birth
Birth date: 1932???? Notes: Year of the Horse
ថ្ងៃ-ខែ-ឆ្នាំ កំណើត
១៩៣២???? កើតឆ្នាំមមី
Home Village
03130806, Kampong Cham, Prey Chhor, Mien, Mien
០៣១៣០៨០៦, ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម ស្រុកពៃ្រឈរ ឃុំមៀន ភូមិមៀន
Join KR
Reason to Join KR
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Unit of Ministry of Information
KR Rank(1975-79)
DK Zone 75-79
Central "12", Phnom Penh
Hou Nim, male, was born in 1932and disappeared; interviewed with his 52-year-old aunty Ly Chheang and 60-year-old neighbor Tom Yan living in Mien village, Mien sub-district, Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province. Nim៌s father was Hou and mother was Sorn; in addition, he had only two siblings. In fact, Nim wasn៌t born in this village because his birth place was Koh Sotin district. It was in 1940 that his family moved to live in this village. At that time, his family living was so miserable because his mother Sorn asked others for a very tiny house to stay while his father disappeared. At that time, having stayed for a while, Nim was able to make small cupcakes to sell for villagers. Later, his family conditions were better because he had good clothes to wear. At that time, Nim went to Mien Primary School and became a monk student and helped walk to collect offered food with monks every day. When he was a child, Nim wasn៌t an outstanding student; however, since studying until Prey Torting High School, his study was getting better and better. In addition, Nim continued his study in Kampong Cham province until Phnom Penh. Having studied in Phnom Penh, he was able to pass grade 3 exam [in the modern system] and became the 1st outstanding student in the country; in addition, he was also known to Chamkar Leu district because his name was released on newspaper. At that time, Nim became full grown while many of the rich in the province as well as officials in the province wanted their daughters to get married to him; however, due to his fate, Nim married a Chinese-descendant wife named Kim Lang whose father was the food businessman in his village. Having been married to Kim Lang, Nim went to study in France. After returning to Cambodia, Nim had an opportunity to have a visit with King Sihanouk in the Royal Palace. Later, Nim, during Sangkum Reastr Niyum, ran for an election as a law-maker and became a law-maker in Kampong Cham province for mandates. Nim later went to France again; in addition, throughout the last information, it៌s learned that he had gone to join the National Liberation Movement. Since then, he had completely disappeared. When the Khmer Rouge took control in 1975, Hou Nim was well-known again that he became the ministry of Ministry of Information. However, it៌s later learned that he was arrested by Angkar and sent to Tuol Sleng Prison. Throughout his biography, it was on April 10, 1977 that Hou Him was arrested by Angkar in the Ministry of Information and sent to Tuol Sleng Prison.
ហ៊ូ នឹម ភេទប្រុស កើតឆ្នាំ១៩៣២ បាត់ខ្លួន។ ជួបជាមួយឈ្មោះ លី ឈាង អាយុ៥២ឆ្នាំ និងឈ្មោះ ទុំ យ៉ន អាយុ៦០ឆ្នាំ ត្រូវជាអ្នកជិតខាង រស់នៅភូមិមៀន ឃុំមៀន ស្រុកពៃ្រឈរ ខេត្ដ កំពង់ចាម។ នឹម មានឪពុកឈ្មោះ ហ៊ូ ម្ដាយឈ្មោះ ស៊ន មានបងប្អូនតែពីរនាក់ទេ។ នឹម តាមពិត ទៅមិនមានស្រុក កំណើតនៅភូមិនេះទេ មានស្រុកកំណើតនៅខាងស្រុកកោះ សូទិន។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៤០ ឃើញមករស់នៅភូមិនេះហើយមាន ជីវភាពក្រលំបាកខ្លាំងណាស់ ម្ដាយឈ្មោះ ស៊ន បានសុំផ្ទះគេស្នាក់ នៅផ្ទះតូចចងេ្អÃៈតហើយមិនឃើញមានប្ដីទេ។ កាលនោះមកនៅ បានមួយរៈឃើញឈ្មោះ ស៊ន នេះចេះ ធ្វើនំអាកោលក់ឱ្យអ្នកភូមិហូប មួយរយៈក្រោយមកទៀតស្រាប់តែគ្រួសារ គាត់មានជីវភាពធូរធារ មានខោអាវស្អាតៗសេ្លÃៈកពាក់។ ពេលនោះ នឹម បានចូលរៀនសាលាបឋមសិក្សាវត្ដមៀន ហើយ បានធ្វើជាកូនសិស្សលោកនិងជួយដើរបិណ្គបាតជាមួយលោក សង្ឃរៀងរាល់ថៃ្ង។ នឹម កាលពីតូចរៀន មិនសូវពូកែប៉ុន្មានទេ ស្រាប់តែចូលដល់អនុវិទ្យាល័យពៃ្រទទឹង កាន់តែពូកែទៅៗ ចេះតែរៀនបន្ដដល់ ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម ហើយបន្ដទៅរៀនដល់ភ្នំពេញ ប្រឡប់ជាប់ថ្នាក់ទី៣ទំនើប និងក្លាយជាសិស្សពូកែទូទាំង ប្រទេស ល្បីមកដល់ស្រុកស្រែចម្ការ ព្រោះមានការសែតចុះផ្សាយ។ កាលនោះ នឹម ពេញវ័យ កំលោះហើយ មានកូនអ្នកមាននៅខេត្ដ កំពង់ចាមជាច្រើនចង់លើកកូនអ្នកមានកូនមន្រ្ដីរាជការចង់លើក កូនឱ្យ តែព្រហ្មលិខិត នឹម បានរៀបការជាកូនថៅកែឈើនៅ ស្រុកជាមួយគ្នា ប្រពន្ធឈ្មោះ គឹម ឡាង កូនចៅចិន។ ក្រោយពីរៀបការហើយ នឹម បានរៀននៅប្រទេសបារាំងពេល ត្រឡប់មកវិញ បានចូល គាល់សមេ្ដចសីហនុនៅវាំង ក្រោយមក ទៀត នីម នៅក្នុងសង្គមរាស្រ្ដនិយមបានឈរឈ្មោះ ជា តំណាងប្រចាំខេត្ដកំពង់ចាមជាប់បានច្រើនអាណត្ដិ។ បន្ទាប់មកទៀត នឹម បានប្រទេសបារាំងម្ដងទៀត ហើយក៏ បាត់ដំណឹងមួយរយៈក្រោយមកដឹងថា ចូលចលនារំដោះជាតិ ចូលក្នុងពៃ្របាត់ឈឹងរហូត។ នៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ ពេលខែ្មរក្រហម ឡើងកាន់អំណាច ទើបល្បីឈ្មោះ ហ៊ូ នឹម ម្ដងទៀតថា បានធ្វើជារដ្ឋ មន្រ្ដីឃោសនាការ។ ក្រោយមកទៀតបានឮដំណឹងថា អង្គការចាប់ខ្លួនយកទៅដាក់គុកនៅទួលសែ្លង។ បើតាមប្រវត្ដិរូប ហ៊ូ នឹម អង្គការចាប់ខ្លួននៅក្នុងក្រសួងឃោសនាការ ថៃ្ងទី១០ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៧ យកទៅដាក់គុកទួលសែ្លង។
© មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា
Birth Place And Death Date
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