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Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0001

Srey Bunthik

Source of Interview: BBI0001 20060719, Lar Eth village, Prek Preah Sdach sub-district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with a villager named So Pheng Kun, 62. Pheng Kun said that after Bunthik finised high school, he went to learn in Phnom Penh. Later he/she never heard from Bunthik.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0002

Srey Puch

Source of Interview: BBI0002 20050714, Kanteu 1 village, Kanteu sub-district, Banan district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with mother of the biography owner named Dul Noeum, 73. Noeum told that after Puch quitted school, he did farming. During Lon Nol’s coup, he escaped to forest. He returned to his house for one week since he left home. Chhoeut told her that he was transferred to work in Phnom Penh. since then, Chhoeut disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0003

Maol Soh

Source of Interview: BBI0003 20060712, Kor village, Prey Svay sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with a villager named Hin Phann, 76. Phann said that Soh’s siblings died during the Khmer Rouge. When Soh was young, he ordained for one year in a pagoda with him. After Soh disrobed, he got married to her wife. Since then, he never met Soh. His wife died and four children did not live any where.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0004

Chhuon Pa

Source of Interview: BBI0004 20060717, Kandal Tbaung village, Kok Khmum sub-district, Thma Kol district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Yin Chhay. Notes: Interviewed with wife of the biography owner named Suon Rot, 57. Rot said that after Pa join the army, he eacaped to forest. Since he visited home in 1975, he disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0005

Sao Sengly

Source of Interview: BBI0005 20060708, Rumchek, Ratanak sub-district, Battambang district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Sao Kimkhorn. Khorn said that Ngoy went to learn in France. Then she heard that Ngoy had a wife and one son in China. His friend named Vandeth told her that Ngoy served the Khmer Rouge army. He never sent a letter to his family. In 1976, he heard that Ngoy worked at Prek Anhchanh. Since then, Sengly disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0006

It Hoeun

Source of Interview: BBI0006 20060716, O Sralao village, O Dambang sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his wife named Lam Yet, 68. Yet said that after Hoeun disrobed, he got married to his wife. When Houen escaped to forest, he served the Khmer Rouge army. In 1975, she once met his husband in Battambang province when she was evacuated from this village. In late 1975, he worked in Pursat. In 1977, he returned to Battambang. He worked at train station. Then he was sent to Phnom Penh. Since then, Hoeun disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0007

Um Chy

Source of Interview: BBI0007 20060713, Svay Sa village, Ta Pon sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Yin Chhay. Notes: Interviewed with his younger brother Um Lao, 60. Lao said that Chy learnt to grade 8, then he did not studied to do farming. In late 1978, Chey was arrested and sent to Tuol Sleng. Now Chy’s wife is living in Australia. His children died.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0008

Lach Kap

Source of Interview: BBI0008 20060710, Chrey Cheung village, Chrey Cheung sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister Lakk Sokh, 61. Sokh told that after Kap quitted school, he got married to his wife. In 1975, he did farming at Tuol Sdao. In late 1976, chief of sub-district’s wife named Nget convinced her older brother to go away. Since then, Kap disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0009

Chin Takk

Source of Interview: BBI0009 20060710, Suosdei village, Ta Laos sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with wife of the biography owner named Phlong Tom and her daughter named Takk Khuon. His wife said that Takk served the Khmer Rouge army in 1970. In 1975, Her husband worked as chief of cooperative. In early 1978, She was told that her husband was arrested.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0010

Huot Eng

Source of Interview: BBI0010 20060709, Kampong Kul Thmei village, Cheng Meanchey sub-district, Banan district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his older sister Hoeun Kheum, 63. Kheum said that when the Khmer Rouge army took over in this village, Phann escaped to forest. Later she heard that Phann fought at Prek Chik. Then Phann once sent a letter to her. In late 1975, Phann got married to his wife named Ra. Firsly, she went Phann’s house for 5 days. Secondly, he visited home for one weeks. In late 1978, she heard that Phann was arresed.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0011

Pok Chim

Source of Interview: BBI0011 20060714, Baset village, Ta Pon sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his wife named Ouch Nap, 57. Nap said that Chim left home to live in Ta Pon village in 1975. Two months or three months later he was transferred to work at Svay pagoda. Then she heard that Chim was arrested.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0012

Chhum Vanny

Source of Interview: BBI0012 20060714, Boeng Veng village, Reang Kesei sub-district, Sangke district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with the biography owner.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0013

Huon Choeum

Source of Interview: BBI0013 20060715, Boh Khnor village, Cheng Meanchey sub-district, Banan district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with the non-biography owner.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0014

Ou Manh

Source of Interview: BBI0014 20060713, Svay Sar village, Ta Pon sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Ou Lan, 54. Lan said that first Manh was a combatant. Then Manh was arrested and sent to a car.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0015

Pheng Pheun

Source of Interview: BBI0015 20060709, Samrong O Trea village, Samrong Knong sub-district, Ek Phnom district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Pheng Khoeun, 57. Khoeun said that after Pheun disrobed, he got married to his wife. His older brother was arrested and accused him of stealing rice in 1977. Then he was called to join a meeting. Since then he disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0016

Teng Hing

Source of Interview: BBI0016 20060710, Po 1 village, Kear sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ry Chhat. Notes: Interviewed with older sister Teng Thuch, 57. Thuch said that she witnessed Hing was arrested and sent to Chheu Khmao when he was joining the meeting.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0017

Mam Hip

Source of Interview: BBI0017 20060712, Kampong Chhnang 1 village, Baves sub-district, Baves district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ry Chhat and Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with his wife Dit Rem, 69. Rem said that Hoeun first worked as former cadre. Then her wife was sent to forest. Sincn then Hoeun disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0018

Thaong Prum

Source of Interview: BBI0018 20060710, Wat Chass village, Ta Loas sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed Ry Chhat. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Thaong Pauy, 59. Pauy said Prum was a spy in 1975. Since she witnessed a chief of cooperative walking her older brother to unit, he never returned home.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0019

Uong Poeun

Source of Interview: BBI0019 20060711, Tuol Prum village, Kakoh sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with older sister named Pao Thoeun, 56. Thoeun told that after Poeun joined the revolution, he escaped to forest. In 1975, his older went to meet her at Battambang market. Then she heard that his older brother was arrested. Since then Poeun disappeared. His two children was died during the Khmer Rouge regime. Now his two children are alive.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0020

Nhik Ly

Source of Interview: BBI0020 20060720, 20070521, 20070628, Boh Po village, O Dambang sub-district, Battambang district, Battambang province. Notes: Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with Nhik Ly, 83, non-biography owner.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0021

Thuch Limhuot

Source of Interview: BBI0021 20060715, Kampong Sambuor village, Samraong sub-district, Ek Phnom district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Thuch Chantou, 53. Chantou heard that when Limhuot was doing farming, he was arrested at 5. He was detained one night in a prison. Then, he was sent to Neang barrack.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0022

Miech Long

Source of Interview: BBI0022 20060717, Kaong Kang village, Bansay sub-district, Thma Kol district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with his older brother named Miech Leang, 56. Leang said that after Long joined the revolution, he was sent to work at Marin unit. In late 1976 he once visited home. Since then Long left home, he disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0023

Koy Sen

Source of Interview: BBI0023 20060711, Kakoh village, Kakoh sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with her older brother named Mul Proeung, 69. Proeung said Sen worked in Battambang in 1975. In 1976, she was sent to Leach. Since then Sen disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0024

Daung Doeun

Source of Interview: BBI0024 20060712, Bavel 1 village, Bavel sub-district, Bavel district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with his older sister named Daung Hoeun, 63. Hoeun said that when Doeun was young, he learnt to grade 7. After Doeun quitted school, he got married to his wife and did farming. Her younger brother first was convinced to work at saltfield. Since he left home, he disappeared.

Promoting Accountability

Record No. BBI0025

Phou El

Source of Interview: BBI0025 20060710, Tuol Prum 2 village, Kakoh sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with non-biography owner. El said that he first did farming at Maky forest. Then he was transferred to be a medical staff at Thoam Yut. In 1979, he returned home.

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