Data Info
Record No
Math Samnap
ម៉ាត់ សំណាប់
ភេទ: ប្រុស
Date Of Birth
Tuol Sangke Village, Kampong Kong Commune, Koh Thom District, Kandal Province
Current Address
Po II Village, Kear Commune, Mong Russei District, Battambang Province
Mode Participation
Request Protective Measures
Prefer form of Reparation
A school, a hospital, and a mosque
Crime Info
Main Crime Date
Main Crime Location
Additional information collected on March 21, 2009 Forced labor: When the KR captured Phnom Penh in 1975, my family and I were evacuated from Toul Kork in Phnom Penh, to Prek Kdam Kandal Province. At Prek Kdam, I was assigned to work in the children’s unit, clearing the forest on the other side of the Chheu Buon River. The children’s unit that I worked in was very large, comprising hundreds of children from different ethnic groups — Chinese, Khmer, and Cham. I cannot remember the name of our unit chief. After having worked at Prek Kdam for almost a year, all of us were moved to Odong, near Vihea Kha-puos Pagoda, in Kandal Province. There, we were assigned to gather rice and pack it in plastic bags. The rice was stored near Vihea Kha-puos Pagoda before being transferred to Phnom Penh by truck. I worked there for only a year before I was reassigned to a mobile unit in 1977 at Tbeng Kha-puos, Ponhea Leu District, Kandal Province. In addition to working in the rice field during the rainy season, I was ordered to carry earth and clear the forest. In 1978, I was transferred from Kandal Province to Battambang Province by train. I saw a lot of people on the train, but I did not know from where they came. The people in my unit were reallocated into smaller groups and sent to work at different places. Before arriving at Prey Phlaut Cooperative, Prey Tralach (old name) District, Battambang Province, I stayed overnight at Kra-laum Phluk, Battambang Province. At Prey Phlaut, I worked in a mobile unit building a dike. Our assignment was to complete two cubic meters, otherwise, we would not be allowed to rest. I did not know the unit chief in charge. In Battambang Province, I received less food than in Kandal Province — only a small bowl of watery rice gruel. Frequently, people disappeared from the unit. Most of them were those who could not complete the work assigned by the KR. Once they disappeared from the unit, they never returned. However, I did not know where they were taken.
Other Info
Date Completion of Form
Copyright: © DC-CAM
រក្សាសិទ្ធិដោយ: © មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា

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Credit Line: Documentation Center of Cambodia's Archives.

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