Data Info
Record No
Sou Les
ស៊ូ លេស
ភេទ: ប្រុស
Date Of Birth
Birth Place
Chong Phnum, Samrong commune, Prey Nop, Kampot province
Current Address
Prey Nop village, Prey Nop commune, Prey Nop district, Preah Sihanouk province
Mode Participation
Request Protective Measures
Prefer form of Reparation
Not mentioned
Crime Info
Main Crime Date
Main Crime Location
Additional information collected on March 22, 2009 Death of my son: In July of 1976, the Khmer Rouge arrested and chained my son, Sou Mahat, in the dining hall of Pralean Village, Andaung Teuk Commune, Andaung Tik District, Koh Kong Province. At that time, he became ill, but the Khmer Rouge forced him to do extreme amounts of work until he became unconscious. Then, they captured, chained, and starved him to death. When they arrested my son, they accused him of being crazy and unable to work. The truth was that they made him work until he became ill again with the same illness. He had a high fever and then lost consciousness. I do not know the names of the Khmer Rouge who arrested my son. But the person who ordered the arrest of my son is Soeng (not known if he is alive). Soeng was a male youth chief of Thma Commune, Andaung Tik District, Koh Kong Province. Soeng caused my son’s death and is responsible for his death. At the time, my son was carrying soil at Pralean Dam and farming the land during the rainy season. Male youth always had many assigned tasks to be completed. I did not witness the incident, but my nephew, Sann (deceased), who worked with my son and saw what happened in 1976, informed me about the incident by writing me a letter. By the time the incident took place, my son was about fourteen or fifteen. Mode of participation: I want to file the application form to be a complainant, because I have been ill with stomachaches and problems with my ears which make me unable to hear well. I have to do my household tasks in order to support my family. I am also busy with religious tasks. I am satisfied with participation as a complainant, because I have filed the application to seek justice.
Other Info
Copyright: © DC-CAM
រក្សាសិទ្ធិដោយ: © មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា

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Credit Line: Documentation Center of Cambodia's Archives.

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