Data Info
Record No
Men Lay
ម៉ែន ឡាយ
ភេទ: ស្រី
Date Of Birth
Birth Place
Trapeang Snay, Bati, Takeo
Current Address
Prek Be Village, Koh Thom Commune, Koh Thom District, Kandal Province
Mode Participation
Civil Party
Request Protective Measures
Prefer form of Reparation
Depend on the judges
Crime Info
Main Crime Date
Main Crime Location
My name is Men Lay. I currently live in Prek Be Village, Koh Thom Commune, Koh Thom District, Kandal Province. During the Khmer Rouge regime, I also lived in the above-mentioned location. I have nine children, but two of them died during the Pol Pot regime. Only recently did I realize that my son, Min Kan, was detained in Tuol Sleng by Angkar. Today, I am grateful to file this complaint form to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in order to seek justice for all Khmer people, as well as for my son. Arrest and detention at Tuol Sleng: In 1974, my son, Min Kan, was only about 16 years old. He was conscripted into the Khmer Rouge army. After serving in that army for a year, he visited home in his military uniform. We didn’t talk much as he was soon called by the village chief to board a boat. The village chief said that my son had visited home without permission and needed to return. I didn’t know the names of the people in charge. My son also told me that he came with three other friends, but I didn’t know who they were. Since then, I have never received any information from him, but I heard from my neighbor that my son was sent to Office 15 and that his commander came for him However, my neighbor didn’t know where he was taken. Only recently did I discover that my son, Min Kan, was arrested and detained in Tuol Sleng Prison at the end of 1975. He was released on 1 January 1976 and has never been seen since. Part C: My name is Men Lay. I lost two children during the Khmer Rouge regime. I was informed that my son, Min Kan, was incarcerated at Tuol Sleng Prison and was released. I always sense that my son is still alive. The longer I wait for him, the greater my pain. It rekindles memories of the time he was called away. Each time I think of my son, I get a headache and am unable to sleep. This causes me to be sick and weakens my productivity. Whenever someone asks me about my son, I always have hope, but later I get depressed when I realize that my son may not be alive. It’s painful just to remember the story. It saps my strength and ruins my appetite. The doctor used to give me medicine, but I don’t remember the name of the medicine and I no longer have the prescription.
Other Info
Date Completion of Form
Copyright: © DC-CAM
រក្សាសិទ្ធិដោយ: © មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា

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Credit Line: Documentation Center of Cambodia's Archives.

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