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Ros Sampeou, Director
t: +855 (0)12 882 505
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0004
Source of Interview: BBI0004 20060717, Kandal Tbaung village, Kok Khmum sub-district, Thma Kol district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Yin Chhay. Notes: Interviewed with wife of the biography owner named Suon Rot, 57. Rot said that after Pa join the army, he eacaped to forest. Since he visited home in 1975, he disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0068
Source of Interview: BBI0068 20080815, Phnom Proek village, Phnom Proek sub-district, Phnom Proek district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Long Dany and Hin Sotheany. Notes: Interviewed with Sao Vann, 54, None biography. She studied in grade 11 at Ang Rokar lower primary school. In 197, she trained on performance. In 1972, she was a messenger. And then, she was a women sub-district chief of Popel sub-district. In 1977, she used to visit her home once. In 1980, she got married to Saray. She has 4 sons.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0005
Source of Interview: BMI0005 20060821, Soeur Kandal village, Soeur sub-district, Mongkol Borei district, Banteay Meancehy province. Interviewed by Sok Vannak. Notes: Interviewed with his younger brother named Chuon Phala, 66. Phala said Since Voeun got married to his husband, she had 4 children. Two chidren died during the Khmer Rouge. In 1978, Voeun went to take two chidren to live her. Since then Voeun never returned home.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0013
Source of Interview: BMI0013, 20101014, Trasek Chrum village, Malai commune, Malai district, Banteay Meanchey province. Interviewed by Chhay Chhunly. Interviewed with Kung Chiny, femal, 53, None biography.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0021
Source of Interview: BMI0021 20101016, Kbal Spean village, Malai sub-district, Malai district, Batambang Province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Note: Interviewed with Tol Sem, male, 50, No Biography.
Record No. D01095
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01095
Date of Document: April 10,1976
Record No. D01187
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01187
Date of Document:
Record No. D01204
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01204
Date of Document: July 31, 1977
Record No. D01205
Brief Biography Of Yin Yon, Tral Village, Trea Commune, Kandal Stung District, Kabdal Province
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01205
Date of Document: August 1, 1977
Record No. D01272
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01272
Date of Document: January 1, 1978
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0001
Date of Document: 2/09/2004
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0002
Date of Document: 2/11/2004
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0004
Date of Document: 2/12/2004
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0005
Date of Document: 2/12/2004
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0006
Date of Document: 02/13/04