Personal Info
ID: Y01062
Nuon Chea  (BKI 147, p. 532)
 (BKI 147, p. 532)
Other Name
αžˆαŸ’αž˜αŸ„αŸ‡αž αŸ…αž€αŸ’αžšαŸ…
Prahoc ;notes: "Nuon Chea used to be called Ta Prahoc, because he used to like eating prahoc" (BKI 1
(BKI 1
Source of Documents / Information
BKI 147, p. 532 / BKI 123 A, p. 186 / BKI 85, pp. 204-205 / BKI, p. 474 / BKI 159, pp. 395-396, 400-402, 423-424 / BKI 205, pp. 3294-95 / BKI 204, pp. 3257-3260, 3263, 3265 / BKI 202, pp. 3229-3232, 3
Male (BKI, p. 400) ~ (EB, W
αž”αŸ’αžšαž»αžŸ (BKI, p. 400) ~ (EB, W
Physical Characteristics
Pre DK Education
.246 ;notes: former achar (BKI 85, p. 204) ~ ;notes: high school and university in Bangkok (EB, WWO, p. 213)  
Pre DK Education
.246 ;notes: former achar (BKI 85, p. 204)  
αž€αŸ†αžšαž·αžαžŸαž·αž€αŸ’αžŸαžΆαž˜αž»αž“αžšαž”αž”αžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαž€αŸ’αžšαž αž˜
Birth Place And Death Date
Birth Place
Battambang (EB, WWO, p. 213)  
Death Place:  
Death Place
Father Info
Mother Info
Kr Rank Info
KR Rank Pre 75-79
αžαž½αž“αžΆαž‘αžΈ αž˜αž»αž“αžšαž”αž”αžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαž€αŸ’αžšαž αž˜(1975)
In charge of the political side (BKI 205, p. 3295) ~ elected to No. 2 position in Worker's Party of Kampuchea, 1960???? (EB, WWO, p. 107-8) ~ Department Secretary, Central Committee, 1963???? (BKI 1313A, pp. 316)  
KR Rank 75-79
αžαž½αž“αžΆαž‘αžΈβ€‹αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžšαž”αž”αžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαž€αŸ’αžšαž αž˜(1975-79)
Member of the CPK Standing Committee (BKI 147, p. 532) ~ Deputy Secretary of CPK (EB, WWO, p. 187) ~ appointed temporary replacement for Pol Pot as prime minister, 197609?? (EB, WWO, p. 278) ~ CPK Deputy Secretary-General, 1975???? (BK, PPR, p. 33) ~ President, Cambodian People's Representative Assembly Standing Committee, 1976???? (BK, PPR, p. 326) ~ member of Standing Committee
Dk Zone And Dk Org Type, Unit
DK Zone 75-79
αž‘αžΈαžαžΆαŸ†αž„αž—αžΌαž˜αž·αžŸαžΆαžŸαŸ’αžšαŸ’αžαžšαž”αž”αžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαž€αŸ’αžšαž αž˜(1975-79)
DK ORG Unit 75-79
αž’αž„αŸ’αž‚αž—αžΆαž–β€‹αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αžšαž”αž”αžαŸ’αž˜αŸ‚αžšαž€αŸ’αžšαž αž˜(1975-79)
Standing Committee of the CPRA (BKI, p. 474)  
Persecutor And Detension Info
Arrest Info
More Info
former Communist Party of Thailand member (BKI 85, p. 204) ~ spoke Thai (BKI 85, p. 204) ~ "regarded cities as the enemy and wanted to rely on agriculture" (BKI 85, p. 205) ~ attended 1960 meeting in railway station, voted for Pol Pot as "party secretary-general" (BKI 159, p. 396) ~ "Taught about important policies" at political training course in Phnom Penh; students there were members of district standing committees, deputy secretaries, and secretaries of districts, 1977???? (BKI 205, p. 3294-3295) ~ spoke at meeting attended by secretaries of every district, region, and zone in the country. Spoke about the "careful line of screening," meaning the purging of "internal agents in the Party, in the armed forces, in the various organizations and ministries, in the government, and among the masses of the people." Spoke of "eight points" meaning the eight principles for reordering Cambodian society. The meeting was held at the Technical University in Phnom Penh. "Nuon Chea said that building socialism in Kampuchea consisted of two parts, agriculture and industry. Agriculture, he said, in 10 to 15 years would be tumnerp (modernized)by means of vithyeasas (scientific)methods, by preparing irrigation dams and canals all over the country", 19750520-19750525 (BKI 204, pp. 357-358) ~ Nuon Chea's behavior was somewhat coarse (BKI 204, p. 3263) ~ taught (with Pol Pot)at annual political training sessions in Phnom Penh, 1975-1977. The 1975 course was for district secretaries (700 people)at Olympic Stadium. November. 1976 course taught at Sports Stadium (Borei Keila). 1977 course taught at Borei Keila in November (for one month). "Nuon Chea and Pol Pot were always in agreement. As one; a single principle" (BKI 204, p. 3265) ~ presided over national meeting at which the Center's plan for the country was articulated, 19750520 (BKI 202, p. 3229) ~ made speeches putting the Center's plan forward to representatives of every part of the county (BKI 202, p. 3246) ~ talked about the need to wipe out (lup bombat)all monks and wipe out religion (BKI 202, p. 3230) ~ "Pol Pot and Nuon Chea had no differences about this (religion issue). Clearly the same, no difference. Mostly it was Nuon Chea who did the talking. Nuon Chea was the one who did the consciousness work, the propaganda" (BKI 202, p. 3230) ~ "Nuon Chea spoke on all the documents, the consciousness work was Nuon Chea alone" (BKI 202, p. 3246) ~ spoke about "the need to evacuate Vietnamese residents from Cambodia back to their country", about the abolition of money, "all these news were mostly distributed by Nuon Chea" (BKI 202, p. 3231) ~ "what methods were to be used (to implement the general principles): it was Nuon Chea who announced this" (BKI 202, p. 3231) ~ Nuon Chea used the phrase komchat puok rottekar cas (scattering the former members of the old government)to talk about killing Lon Nol soldiers (BKI 202, p. 3231) ~ talked about wiping out money, markets (BKI 202, p. 3232) ~ said it was most important to "look after" (i.e. kill)people coming from Vietnam (BKI 202, p. 3233) ~ attended annual Center Congress meetings in Eastern Zone bases, 1962????-1963???? (BKI 202, p. 3245) ~ attended Meeting of Party Center, March 30, 1976. Assigned position of President, the National Assembly (PPP, p. 7) ~ in charge of the party's organizations, including new political training school and youth league, 1975???? (EB, WWO, p. 213) ~ gave a speech at Conference Phnom Penh, 19750520 ;notes: speech concerned how to build socialism in Kampuchea, using agriculture and industry. And mentioned having to "take care to carefully screen internal agents (samrit samrainh phtey khnong)in the party, in the armed forces, in the various organizations and ministries, in the government, and among the masses of the people" (BK, PPR, pp. 56-57) ~ gave speech at Center political meeting, Phnom Penh, 19751??? ;notes: date is either in 197511?? or 197512?? (BK, PPR, p. 101) ~ attended conference in Western Zone, 197707?? ;notes: complained to party cadres that "enemies and various classes" controlled a "fair number" of cooperatives in the Zone and recommended that backgrounds of all party officials, including at the Zone level, had to be reviewed. Purges resulted (BK, PPR, p. 347) ~ went to Phum Bos with Pol Pot, 1966????-1967????  
Pol Pot (BKI 147, p. 532) ~ Ieng Sary (BKI 147, p.532) ~ So Phim (BKI 147, p. 532) ~ Ros Nhim (BKI 159, p. 395) ~ Mok, 1960???? (BKI 159, p. 395) ~ Pol Pot (BKI 204, p. 3263) ~ Pol Pot ;notes: "On May 20, 1975 it was the general plan. There were Pol Pot and Nuon Chea who made speeches about the documents, put the plan to the national meeting. They held this conference in order to distribute the plan. It was Pol Pot and Nuon Chea who did the speaking about the plan" (BKI 202, p. 3229) ~ Ieng Sary (PPP, p. 7) ~ Vorn Vet (PPP, p. 7) ~ Son Sen (PPP, p. 7) ~ Ros Nhim (PPP, p. 7) ~ Penn Nouth (PPP, p. 7) ~ Khieu Samphan (PPP, p. 7) ~ Chhit Choeun (PPP, p. 7) ~ So Phim (PPP, p. 7) ~ Pol Pot (PPP, p. 7)  
Other Info
Β© αž˜αž‡αŸ’αžˆαž˜αžŽαŸ’αžŒαž›αž―αž€αžŸαžΆαžšαž€αž˜αŸ’αž–αž»αž‡αžΆ

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