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Ros Sampeou, Director
t: +855 (0)12 882 505
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0003
Source of Interview: BBI0003 20060712, Kor village, Prey Svay sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with a villager named Hin Phann, 76. Phann said that Soh’s siblings died during the Khmer Rouge. When Soh was young, he ordained for one year in a pagoda with him. After Soh disrobed, he got married to her wife. Since then, he never met Soh. His wife died and four children did not live any where.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0005
Source of Interview: BBI0005 20060708, Rumchek, Ratanak sub-district, Battambang district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Chhay Naroeun. Notes: Interviewed with his younger sister named Sao Kimkhorn. Khorn said that Ngoy went to learn in France. Then she heard that Ngoy had a wife and one son in China. His friend named Vandeth told her that Ngoy served the Khmer Rouge army. He never sent a letter to his family. In 1976, he heard that Ngoy worked at Prek Anhchanh. Since then, Sengly disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0006
Source of Interview: BBI0006 20060716, O Sralao village, O Dambang sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his wife named Lam Yet, 68. Yet said that after Hoeun disrobed, he got married to his wife. When Houen escaped to forest, he served the Khmer Rouge army. In 1975, she once met his husband in Battambang province when she was evacuated from this village. In late 1975, he worked in Pursat. In 1977, he returned to Battambang. He worked at train station. Then he was sent to Phnom Penh. Since then, Hoeun disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0009
Source of Interview: BBI0009 20060710, Suosdei village, Ta Laos sub-district, Mong Russey district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with wife of the biography owner named Phlong Tom and her daughter named Takk Khuon. His wife said that Takk served the Khmer Rouge army in 1970. In 1975, Her husband worked as chief of cooperative. In early 1978, She was told that her husband was arrested.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0010
Source of Interview: BBI0010 20060709, Kampong Kul Thmei village, Cheng Meanchey sub-district, Banan district, Battamabang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his older sister Hoeun Kheum, 63. Kheum said that when the Khmer Rouge army took over in this village, Phann escaped to forest. Later she heard that Phann fought at Prek Chik. Then Phann once sent a letter to her. In late 1975, Phann got married to his wife named Ra. Firsly, she went Phann’s house for 5 days. Secondly, he visited home for one weeks. In late 1978, she heard that Phann was arresed.
Record No. L00033
Surrender Of Khmer Liberation, Sun Vann Than, Defecting To National Society.
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L00033
Date of Document: July 29, 1974
Record No. L00034
Report On Khmer Defector, Sun Van Than, Defecting At National Constabalary
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L00034
Date of Document: July 26, 1974
Record No. L01912
Interrogation Report of 2 Khmer Liberation, Sat Niem and Khmer Khorn
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01912
Date of Document: April 8-10, 1966
Record No. L01925
Sending a Khmer Communist, Kheng Rut
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01925
Date of Document: February 10, 1976
Record No. L01942
The Surrender of a Khmer Communist, Kong Mok, to be Judged
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document No. L01942
Date of Document: June 20, 1974
Victim of Torture
Record No. VOT0119
Date of Document: 9/05/2004