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Ros Sampeou, Director
t: +855 (0)12 882 505
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0023
Source of Interview: BMI0023 20101015, Wat Chhass village, Malai sub-district, Malai district, Batambang Province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Note: Interviewed with Pek Choeun, male, 60, No Biography.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0034
Source of Interview: BMI0034 20101019 Daung village, Malai commune, Malai district, Banteay Meanchey province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Notes: Interviewed with Phy Phuon, male, 63 years old. None biography.
Record No. D06832
The Name List of Prisoner who had Kept
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D06832 KH, TSL, Box no.07
Date of Document:
Record No. D07617
The Kep Pon Nary aka Khnoy, Working at Prek Village Water Works, Implicated in Enemy’s Confession
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D07617 KH, TSL, 1226
Date of Document:
Record No. D08890
The Confession of Ros Phorn aka Kep Saroeun Implicated Mei Vutha
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D08890 KH, TSL, 1223
Date of Document: May 25, 1977
Record No. D08939
The Confession of Ros Phorn aka Kep Saroeun and Voal Sapon Implicated Keav Chhay
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D08939 KH, TSL, 1224
Date of Document: May 25, 1977
Record No. D08947
The Confession of Ros Phorn aka Kep Saroeun Implicated Um Son
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D08947 KH, TSL, 1224
Date of Document: May 25, 1977
Promoting Accountability
Record No. KCI0010
Source of Interview: KCI001020021111, Romeas village, Ampil commune, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham province. Interviewed by Chuong Sophearith. Notes: Interviewed with Lao Son,57, the biography owner.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. KCI0016
Source of Interview: KCI0016 20021208, Romeas village, Ampil sub-district, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham province. Interviewed by Chuong Sophearith. Notes: Interviewed with Chhea Srun,the biography owner.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. KCI0043
Source of Interview: KCI0043 20021218, Koh Luong village, Koh Samrong sub-district, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham province. Interviewed by Chuong Sophearith. Notes: Hum Ho disappeared. Interviewed with Ho’s younger brother,Hum Lumhean, 42 year-old.