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Ros Sampeou, Director
t: +855 (0)12 882 505
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BBI0006
Source of Interview: BBI0006 20060716, O Sralao village, O Dambang sub-district, Sangke district, Battambang province. Interviewed by Ra Chhayrann. Notes: Interviewed with his wife named Lam Yet, 68. Yet said that after Hoeun disrobed, he got married to his wife. When Houen escaped to forest, he served the Khmer Rouge army. In 1975, she once met his husband in Battambang province when she was evacuated from this village. In late 1975, he worked in Pursat. In 1977, he returned to Battambang. He worked at train station. Then he was sent to Phnom Penh. Since then, Hoeun disappeared.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0011
Source of Interview: BMI0011, 20101014, Trasek Chrum village, Malai sub-district, Malai district, Banteay Meanchey province. Interviewed by: Long Dany. Interviewed with Keo Sarim, female, 49 years old. None Biography.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0015
Source of Interview: BMI0015 Trasek Chrum village, Malai sub-district, Malai district, Banteay Meanchey province. Interviewed by Sorm Bunthorn. Noted: Interviewed with Port Vorn, female, 75 years old.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0017
Source of Interview: BMI0017 20101015 Trasek Chrum village, Malai commune, Malai district, Banteay Meanchey province. Interviewed by Sokh Vannakk. Interviewed with Hou Im, female, 53 year-old. None biography.
Promoting Accountability
Record No. BMI0021
Source of Interview: BMI0021 20101016, Kbal Spean village, Malai sub-district, Malai district, Batambang Province. Interviewed by Long Dany. Note: Interviewed with Tol Sem, male, 50, No Biography.
Record No. D01210
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D01210
Date of Document: November 24, 1978
Record No. D05110
Sarun, Driver of Pursat province Train Unit
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D05110 KH, TSL, Box no.16
Date of Document:
Record No. D11289
[Chhem, Working in Pursat Railway Construction, Was in the Enemy’s Confession]
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D11289 KH, TSL, Box no.13
Date of Document:
Record No. D12620
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D12620 KH, TSL, Box no.16
Date of Document:
Record No. D13715
[Case of Uch Phuong, Former Train Driver at Battambang and Currently Worked at Pursat Train Station]
Location of Document/Book: KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D13715 KH, TSL 1390
Date of Document: