Personal Info
ID: I01681
Peng  (Source: I01681, p. 1)
ប៉េង  (Source: I01681, p. 1)
Other Name
Ham (Source: I01681, p. 2)
ហំ (Source: I01681, p. 2)
Source of Documents / Information
I01681, p. 1-14 Notes: 167bbKk/6
Male  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
ប្រុស  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
Khmer  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
ខ្មែរ  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
Physical Characteristics
Father Name
Be Sao Notes: Was born in 1912  (Source: I01681, p. 8)
បិ សៅ កើតឆ្នាំ ១៩១២  (Source: I01681, p. 8)
Mother Name
Ngil Tel Notes: Was born in 1924  (Source: I01681, p. 8)
ងិល តិល កើតឆ្នាំ ១៩២៤  (Source: I01681, p. 8)
Pre DK Education
Class 7  (Source: I01681, p. 4)
ថ្នាក់ទី ៧   (Source: I01681, p. 4)
Pre DK Education
HURIDOCS code: .62 Notes: Lower middle-class farmer  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
ធ្វើស្រែ វណ្ណភាពកសិករកណ្ដាលថ្នាក់ក្រោម   (Source: I01681, p. 2)
Birth Place And Death Date
Birth Place
Geocode: 1002???? Province: Kratie District: Kratie Notes: {Anlung Vien Village, Khnach Sub-district}(Source: I01681, p. 2)  
ក្រចេះ, ក្រចេះ «ភូមិអន្លង់វៀន សង្កាត់ខ្នាច» 
Death Place:  
Death Place
Father Info
Mother Info
Kr Rank Info
KR Rank Pre 75-79
តួនាទី មុនរបបខ្មែរក្រហម(1975)
KR Rank 75-79
Chief of Political Regiment
ប្រធាននយោបាយវរសេនាធំ ~ប្រធានក្រុម ~ប្រធាននយោបាយវរសេនាតូច ១ ឆ្នាំ   (Source: I01681, p. 4)~Chief of Group (Source: I01681, p. 4)~Chief of Political Battalion for 1 year (Source: I01681, p. 4)
Dk Zone And Dk Org Type, Unit
DK Zone 75-79
Region: Siem Reap-Otdar Meanchey Region no.: 106 Province: Siem Reap Geocode: 17  (Source: I01681, p. 1)
, សៀមរាប-ឧត្ដរមានជ័យ, ១០៦, សៀមរាប  (Source: I01681, p. 1)
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Military  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
យោធា  (Source: I01681, p. 2)
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Regiment 105  (Source: I01681, p. 1)
វរសេនាធំ ១០៥   (Source: I01681, p. 1)
Persecutor And Detension Info
Arrest Info
More Info
Joined the revolution in Kratie District, Kratie Province, 19700613 - I wanted to serve the people and attack the traitors Notes: Introducer: Khy (Source: I01681, p. 3)  
ចូលបដិវត្ដន៍នៅស្រុកក្រចេះ ខេត្ដក្រចេះ, ១៩៧០០៦១៣ - ចង់បំរើប្រជាជនប្រឆាំងជាមួយពួកក្បត់ - តាមរយៈ ឃី  
Khy, 19700613 Notes: Introducer into the revolution  (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Seng, 19720927-19730709 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member and full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Sea n, 19730709 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Lon, 19730709 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)
ឃី, ១៩៧០០៦១៣ - អ្នកនាំចូលបដិវត្ដន៍ ~សេង, ១៩៧២០៩២៧-១៩៧៣០៧០៩ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សត្រៀម និង ចូលបក្សពេញសិទ្ធិ ~ស៊ាន, ១៩៧៣០៧០៩ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សពេញសិទ្ធិ ~ឡុន, ១៩៧៣០៧០៩ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សពេញសិទ្ធិ   (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Seng, 19720927-19730709 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member and full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Sea n, 19730709 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)~Lon, 19730709 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I01681, p. 3)
Political Party
Yavakak, 19710816 I want to serve the party class and people  (Source: I01681, p. 3)~The candidate party member, 19720927 Notes: Joined in battle field, Puork District, Siem Reap Province. Introducer: Seng (Source: I01681, p. 3)~The full-rights party member, 19730709 Notes: Joined in Prasat Me Bon, Siem Reap Province. Introducers: Seng, Sean, Lon (Source: I01681, p. 3)
យុវកក, ១៩៧១០៨១៦ ចង់បំរើបក្សវណ្ណៈ និង ប្រជាជន ~បក្សត្រៀម, ១៩៧២០៩២៧ - ចូលនៅសមរភូមិស្រុកពួក ខេត្ដសៀមរាប តាមរយៈ សេង ~បក្សពេញសិទ្ធិ, ១៩៧៣០៧០៩ - ចូលនៅប្រសាទមេបុណ្យ ខេត្ដសៀមរាប តាមរយៈ សេង ស៊ាន ឡុន   (Source: I01681, p. 3)~The candidate party member, 19720927 Notes: Joined in battle field, Puork District, Siem Reap Province. Introducer: Seng (Source: I01681, p. 3)~The full-rights party member, 19730709 Notes: Joined in Prasat Me Bon, Siem Reap Province. Introducers: Seng, Sean, Lon (Source: I01681, p. 3)
Reuy Type: W Notes: Alias: Hoeuy, was born in 1956 (Source: I01681, p. 6)~Rann Type: FL (Source: I01681, p. 9)~Hauv Type: ML (Source: I01681, p. 9)~Sao Than Type: SY Notes: 29 years old (Source: I0168 1, p. 11)~Sao Theng Type: SY Notes: 27 years old (Source: I01681, p. 11)~Sao Eng Notes: 26 years old (Source: I01681, p. 11)~Sao Veng Type: BY Notes: 14 years old (Source: I01681, p. 11)~Sao Seng Type : BY Notes: 10 years old (Source: I01681, p. 11)~Sao Leng Type: SY Notes: 7 years old (Source: I01681, p. 11)  
រើយ , ប្រពន្ធ ឈ្មោះបដិវត្ដ ហឿយ ,កើតឆ្នាំ ១៩៥៦ ~រ៉ាន់ , ឪពុកកេ្មក ~ហូវ , ម្ដាយកេ្មក ~សៅ ថន , បងប្អូនស្រី អាយុ ២៩ ឆ្នាំ ~សៅ ថេង , បងប្អូនស្រី អាយុ ២៧ ឆ្នាំ ~សៅ អេង , បងប្អូន អាយុ ២៦ ឆ្នាំ ~សៅ វេង , បងប្អូនប្រ ុស- អាយុ ១៤ ឆ្នាំ ~សៅ សេង , បង្អូនប្រុស- អាយុ ១០ ឆ្នាំ ~សៅ ឡេង , បងប្អូនស្រី- អាយុ ៧ ឆ្នាំ  
Other Info
© មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា

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