Personal Info
ID: I02254
Yim Seng  (Source: I02254, p. 4)
យឹម សេង  (Source: I02254, p. 4)
Other Name
Kol (Source: I02254, p. 2)
កុល (Source: I02254, p. 2)
Source of Documents / Information
I02254, p. 1 - 15 Notes: 220bbKk/1
Male  (Source: I02254, p. 2)
ប្រុស  (Source: I02254, p. 2)
Khmer  (Source: I02254, p. 2)
ខ្មែរ  (Source: I02254, p. 2)
Physical Characteristics
Date of Birth
19481107 Born on Sunday, 27 Years odl  (Source: I02254, p. 2,11)
ថ្ងៃ-ខែ-ឆ្នាំ កំណើត
១៩៤៨១១០៧ កើតថ្ងៃ អាទិត្យ អាយុ ២៧ ឆ្នាំ  (Source: I02254, p. 2,11)
Father Name
Yim Bo, Farmer  (Source: I02254, p. 9)
យឹម បូរ, ធ្វើស្រែ  (Source: I02254, p. 9)
Mother Name
Prakk Hien Notes: Deceased  (Source: I02254, p. 9)
ប្រាក់ ហៀន ស្លាប់  (Source: I02254, p. 9)
Pre DK Education
Class 12  (Source: I02254, p. 4)
រៀនថ្នាក់ទី ១២   (Source: I02254, p. 4)
Pre DK Education
HURIDOCS code: .246 Notes: Was in the monkhood for 4 years  (Source: I02254, p. 4)~HURIDOCS code: .62 Notes: Lower class farmer (Source: I02254, p. 2)
- បួស ៤ ឆ្នាំ ~ ធ្វើស្រែ វណ្ណភាពកសិករក្រ   (Source: I02254, p. 4)~HURIDOCS code: .62 Notes: Lower class farmer (Source: I02254, p. 2)
Birth Place And Death Date
Death Place:  
Death Place
Father Info
Mother Info
Kr Rank Info
KR Rank Pre 75-79
តួនាទី មុនរបបខ្មែរក្រហម(1975)
Member of group  (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Deputy chief of group (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Chief of group (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Small Cell (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Chief of Small Cell (Source: I0225 4, p. 4)~Member of Big Cell Logisticts (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Soldier of Big Cell (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Big Cell, Political Affairs (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Battalion Logistics (Sou rce: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Battalion, Political Affairs (Source: I02254, p. 4)
សមាជិកក្រុម ~អនុក្រុម ~ប្រធានក្រុម ~សមាជិកកងតូច ~ប្រធានកងតូច ~ភស្ដុភារកងធំ ~យោធាកងធំ ~នយោបាយកងធំ ~ភស្ដុភារវរសេនាតូច ~នយោបាយវរសេនាតូច   (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Deputy chief of group (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Chief of group (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Small Cell (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Chief of Small Cell (Source: I0225 4, p. 4)~Member of Big Cell Logisticts (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Soldier of Big Cell (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Big Cell, Political Affairs (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Battalion Logistics (Sou rce: I02254, p. 4)~Member of Battalion, Political Affairs (Source: I02254, p. 4)
KR Rank 75-79
Political Section of Battalion 774
នយោបាយវរសេនាតូច ៧៧៤ ~វរសេនាធំ ៧៣ កងពល ៩២០   (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Regiment 73, Division 920 (Source: I02254, p. 4)
Dk Zone And Dk Org Type, Unit
DK Zone 75-79
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Military  (Source: I02254, p. 1)
យោធា  (Source: I02254, p. 1)
DK ORG Unit 75-79
Battalion 766, Regiment 73, Division 920  (Source: I02254, p. 1)
វរសេនាតូច ៧៦៦ វរសេនាធំ ៧៣ កងពល ៩២០   (Source: I02254, p. 1)
Persecutor And Detension Info
Arrest Info
More Info
Joined the revolution in Santuk Village, Kakoh Sub-district, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province, 19700415 - I got angry with the ways the enemies arrested youths to serve their army Notes: Introdu cer: Muong (Source: I02254, p. 3)  
ចូលបដិវត្ដន៍នៅភូមិសន្ទុក សង្កាត់កកោះ ស្រុកកំពង់ធំ, ១៩៧០០៤១៥ - ឈឺចាប់ចំពោះខ្មំាងដែលចាប់យុទ្ធជនធើ្វទាហាន - តាមរយៈ មួង  
Chhin, 19711125 Notes: Introducer into Yuvakak  (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Suong, 19711125 Notes: Introducer into Yuvakak (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Pil, 19711125 Notes: Introducer into Yuvakak (Source: I02254 , p. 4)~Thul, 19721212 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Moeun, 19721212 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Phul, 19741117 Notes: I ntroducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Pakk, 19741117 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Muong, 19700415 Notes: Introducer into the revoluti on (Source: I02254, p. 3)
ឈិន, ១៩៧១១១២៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលយុវកក ~សួង, ១៩៧១១១២៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលយុវកក ~ពិល, ១៩៧១១១២៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលយុវកក ~ធុល, ១៩៧២១២១២ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សត្រៀម ~មឿន, ១៩៧២១២១២ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សត្រៀម ~ភល់, ១៩៧៤១១១៧ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សពេញសិ ទ្ធិ ~ប៉ាក់, ១៩៧៤១១១៧ - អ្នកនាំចូលបក្សពេញសិទ្ធិ ~មួង, ១៩៧០០៤១៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលបដិវត្ដន៍   (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Suong, 19711125 Notes: Introducer into Yuvakak (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Pil, 19711125 Notes: Introducer into Yuvakak (Source: I02254 , p. 4)~Thul, 19721212 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Moeun, 19721212 Notes: Introducer as a candidate party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Phul, 19741117 Notes: I ntroducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Pakk, 19741117 Notes: Introducer as a full-rights party member (Source: I02254, p. 4)~Muong, 19700415 Notes: Introducer into the revoluti on (Source: I02254, p. 3)
Political Party
Yuvakak, 19711125 Was active in carrying out the revolutionary activities Notes: Joined in Bos Khno Village, Bos Knao Sub-District, Chamkar Leu District, Kampong Cham Province  (Source: I02254, p. 4)~C andidate party member, 19721212 Was politically and morally clean, respected the organizational discipline, and was active in the revolutionary work unconditionally Notes: Joined in Rohal Village, Kor Sub-district, Prey Chhor District, Kampong Cham Province (Source: I02254, p. 3)~Full-rights party member, 19741117 Absolutely attack enemies and respect the party's organizational discipline Notes: J oined in Trabek Village, Cheung Snuk Sub-district, Cheung Prey District, Kampong Cham Province (Source: I02254, p. 3 )
យុវកក, ១៩៧១១១២៥ មកពីសកម្មភាពលើការងារបដិវត្ដន៍ - ចូលនៅភូមិបុរសខ្នុរ សង្កាត់បុសខ្នុរ ស្រុកចំការលើ ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម តាមរយៈ ឈិន សួង ពឹល ~បក្សត្រៀម, ១៩៧២១២១២ មកពីស្អាតស្អំខាង សីលធ៌មរស់នៅគោរពអង្គការវិន័យ និង ម៉ត់ចត់ លើការងារបដិវត្ដន៍ - ចូលនៅភូមិហាលសង្កាត់គរ ស្រុកព្រៃឈរ ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម តាមរយៈ ធុល មឿន ~បក្សបេញសិទ្ធ, ១៩៧៤១១១៧ ប្រយុទ្ធដាច់ខាតជាមួយខ្មាំង និង គោរពអង្គការចាត់តាំងរបស់បក្សដោយគ្មានលក័ខណ័្ឌ - ចូលនៅភូមិត្របែក សង្កាត់ ជេ ីងស្នុក ស្រុកជើងព្រៃ ខេត្ដកំពង់ចាម តាមរយៈ បឹល ពល់ ប៉ាក់   (Source: I02254, p. 4)~C andidate party member, 19721212 Was politically and morally clean, respected the organizational discipline, and was active in the revolutionary work unconditionally Notes: Joined in Rohal Village, Kor Sub-district, Prey Chhor District, Kampong Cham Province (Source: I02254, p. 3)~Full-rights party member, 19741117 Absolutely attack enemies and respect the party's organizational discipline Notes: J oined in Trabek Village, Cheung Snuk Sub-district, Cheung Prey District, Kampong Cham Province (Source: I02254, p. 3 )
Tha, Soldier Type: W Notes: Revolutionary name: Hem, 20 years old, joined the revolution in Kampong Kor Village, Ta Mao Sub-District, Prek Prasap District, Kratie Province in 1974 (Source: I02254, p. 6, 7)~Then, Farmer Type: FL (Source: I02254, p. 10)~Nien, Farmer Type: ML (Source: I02254, p. 10-11)~Hen Type: SY Notes: 19 years old (Source: I02254, p. 11)~Loeun Type: BY Notes: 17 years old (Source : I02254, p. 11)~Han Type: SY Notes: 16 years old (Source: I02254, p. 11)~Khnar Type: BY Notes: 13 years old (Source: I02254, p. 11)  
ថា, យោធា , ប្រពន្ធ ហៅ ហែម អាយុ ២០ ឆ្នាំ ចូល បដិវត្ដន៍នៅភូមិកំពង់គរ សង្កាត់ បាម៉ៅស្រុកព្រែកប្រសព្វ ខេត្ដក្រចេះ ចូលនៅឆ្នាំ១៩៧៤???? ~ថែន, ធើ្វស្រែ , ឪពុកកេ្មក ~នៀន, ធ្វើស្រែ , ម្ដាយកេ្មក ~ហេន , ប្អូនស្រី អាយុ ១៩ ឆ្ន ាំ ~លឿន , ប្អូនប្រុស- អាយុ ១៧ ឆ្នាំ ~ហាន , ប្អូនស្រី- អាយុ ១៦ ឆ្នាំ ~ខ្នារ , ប្អូនប្រុស- អាយុ ១៣ ឆ្នាំ  
Other Info
© មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលឯកសារកម្ពុជា

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